To: Dr. Joseph Reger, Prague
Vienna, December 18, 1813

Anderson v1 pg430-431 - letter #441

My Beloved Friend!

       That is what I call you, and as my beloved friend I shall one day embrace you – Many a time indeed I have cursed that wretched decree for having brought innumerable sorrows upon me.  Oliva is no longer here and I cannot bear to waste over affairs of that kind so much precious time which I have to snatch from my art; and that explains why the affair has been shelved – I have now sent Wolf fortissimo a fresh legal opinion; and he thinks that we should take legal action.   But I think, and this I have written to Wolf, that the best course would be to hand in the application first to the Landrechte – Please do your share and don’t let me perish.   And everything I undertake in Vienna I am surrounded by innumerable enemies. I am on the verge of despair ––
My brother, whom I have loaded with benefits, and owing partly to whose deliberate action I myself am financially embarrassed, is –– my greatest enemy!  Kiss Gloschek for me.   Tell him that my experiences in my sufferings, since he last saw me, would fill a book –– I would gladly have taken the whole affair out of Wolf’s hands and given it to you.   But we should only have had fresh enemies –– Just do your share –– I will soon write more about this –– Do send me the name of the street and the number of the houses where you live and Gloschek’s also.   For I always have to send my letters to you through other people – Reply at once acknowledging the receipt of this letter –
